not to dream

telling people not dream
and wondering at the fraying seam
as they unravel
and have nowhere to travel
because nowhere seems interesting anymore

we are garbed in dreams
we are the light from stars
we are the exploration and expansion
of our own maps

feathers to weigh our hearts
like waxed wings under sunlight
falling into a thumbnail swirl of maze
and waking into a dawn
past a journey into death

eat a little differently sometimes

you don’t know what to eat and then you
go out on the town and find a menu
that is going to satisfy you when
you want something to eat that is easy
you know it will please the
tastebuds and your hunger
variety was the thing when younger
but maybe comfort plays a bigger role
though being boring isn’t your goal

change it up sometimes
or the food you are eating declines
and your interest fails

played out

the cliches catch in the throat
leaking pen in the pocket
pratfall morning
others smile like it’s cute
but its idiotic dumb
distilled into half worn smiles

routine can need routing out
when you get robotic
held still hypnotic
still not stroboscopic
a picture turned necrotic

trying to be novel
a barely capable haiku
a crippled fortune cookie
an aphorism
you may get there one day

eighties state

in a mixtape frame of mind
feeling decidely eighties
like being thirty in school
pretending to be teen
john hughes scripting me
dance and cut between scenes

every day rained
every day was school uniform grey
getting beaten up
and used to knowing more
than the average bear

it felt realer than the ninerties
not xeroxed throwback dreams
that taste like processed meat
we were quicker on our feet


It is interesting when you have an idea for a short story and it starts off as its own thing, and then you end up rolling in some of the larger concepts of your longform fiction.

The thing is there are notionally some things that are easier to get away with when dealing with a larger canvas than you can with a small sketch. Introducing words and tech that might need some exposition can seem to be a bad idea, but if it is part of your style you can hopefully get away with it. You have to hope that the people who follow you are familiar enough with what you are talking about that they can come along for the ride.

Disregarding that you have to present it in its final form in a way that allows those connections to be seen. Or not. Maybe they an be these weird little disconnected, jargon-filled vignettes. These are the things I wonder about.

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