monsterous solutions

the things you frankenstein because you don’t have time at the fork between tines we talk between times the things you half-bake half-arse and half-fake because you are caught on the fly not truly a lie where do you sit? where do you stand? against the wall? on the fence? moving towards a final restingContinue reading “monsterous solutions”


those sputter conversations non sequitur bolted together request for understanding too dumb and demanding broken tongues a rhythm that numbs pierced tribal drums that don’t communicate we’re stuck here in a dither state where all the broken communications congregate plumber for the blocked sewer this for all who knew her and sailed in her andContinue reading “sputter”

until it’s concrete

playing tag taking a drag the cigarettes the debts the dos, the don’ts on the cancer ward you can ill afford to waste time so you codify your stories building platforms again to allow people to land on the memory of normandy beaches soldiers in the abstract women in the abstract it is never completeContinue reading “until it’s concrete”

feed me

we are diet of bland it is out of hand the bachelor will understand the food has been underplanned the best cook is on demand but won’t cook meat the meal is incomplete a boring underwhelming treat thinking about it is an insurmountable feat all we need are recipes buy us a new cookbook pleaseContinue reading “feed me”

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